Recently, I have been absolutely consumed (read: obsessed) with a few specific things. Number one: memories from Thanksgiving. Loved hanging out with my girls, and I really can't wait to see them in just a few more weeks! I have more pics from break, but they are all from my niece's birthday party and will come later.
Virginia Tech Football! Robert and I shivered our way through the game this past Saturday, but it was so worth it to see the Hokies turn UVA into the Boo Hoo's. :) Although, they knew it was coming. ACC Championships this weekend! I'm already planning my party menu. mACC and cheese anyone?

Christmas and Hot Tea: It has been freezing cold here lately, and I drink my weight in hot tea everyday. The tea warms my body. The vintage cherry mug and Christmas tree warm my soul.

And finally, the main attraction: MY NOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wanting an eReader for a year now, and I finally couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to get it for Christmas, but I spent three hours researching Kindle vs. Nook on Sunday. Bad idea. By Monday I was so excited about the Nook that I literally felt my insides were quivering. :D It wasn't even December, and I went out and bought my Christmas present for myself. That's just how I roll I guess, and I'm so glad I did it. It is amazing, and as soon as I wrap this post, I'm going to see what happens to Robert Langdon next in Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol."
Now, along with my obsessions have come some things that... well... confuse me. This morning I went to my car to see this. Snow. Really early snow here in the south I might add. Not to mention that Knoxville does not get proper snow. We get plenty of teaser snow that is just enough to make the roads slick or make it freakishly cold, but not enough to even get us a delay for school. I really hope the snow doesn't torture me this year like it did last year. Go back and read my Jan-Feb 2010 posts for those fun instances of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
And lastly also speaking of Knoxville, why is our fair town mentioned at the end of Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love?"
And I quote: "After returning from her travels, Elizabeth Gilbert ended up... traveling some more! Over the past several years she's been back and forth between Bali, Brail, Australia, Wyoming, Vietnam, Laos, Philadelphia, Cambodia, Thailand, and KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE." Which one of these is not like the others?!?! Is it like that in all the books or just the ones you buy here in K-ville?
I'm starting to think it may be one of those publishing tricks that list whatever city you bought the book in so you'll be intrigued and buy the second book. If it is, it worked. Maybe I'll download it onto my Nook... Speaking of the Nook-
EEEEE!!!! Robert Langdon I'm coming!
What is this new obsession with Robert Langdon? There should be only one Robert you obsess over.